Thorsen Frits Alan is a chair professor, deputy director of the Department of Biomedicine, and director of the Molecular Imaging Center at the University of Bergen in Norway. He is a foreign expert in the "Double Hundred Foreign Experts Program" of Shandong Province and is also a key research group of the cancer translational research team on cancer metastasis. Head of the research group. His research team has achieved outstanding results in research on the occurrence, development and clinical treatment of brain metastases. He is also considered one of the world's leading experts in preclinical research on brain metastases. In 2008, we carried out substantial cooperation with Qilu Hospital of Shandong University. Currently, we are an overseas tutor for graduate students jointly trained by Shandong University. He has received a series of major grants from the Norwegian Research Council, the Norwegian Cancer Society and the European Commission. It has trained a total of 33 master students, 10 doctoral students, and 3 postdoctoral students, and published more than 60 SCI papers.