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The center was established in 2016, and is based in Qilu Hospital of Shandong University.The center strives to build a high-tech public platform for prevention and treatment of neurological diseases in Shandong Province.

The director of the center is Professor Xingang Li, a specially-invited expert of "Taishan Scholar". The research combines neurosurgery, neurology and pediatric neurology, andhasa strong focus on gathering talents, projects,funds and other innovative elements through in-depth exchanges and cooperationinvarious disciplines.Scientific and technological innovationsare implemented in the application and promotion of new technologies for prevention and treatment,to improve the management of neurological diseases. Advances in neurological disease resources in the hospital is effectively being used, to improve the research level of neurological disease translational medicine in our province and create outstanding project leaders and excellent innovation teams.

© 2019 Institute of Brain and Brain-like Sciences, Shandong University

Address: No. 107 Wenhua West Road, Lixia District, Jinan City, Shandong Province Postcode: 250012